Bresc BV

Parfait of yellow curry with pineapple



For the parfait

  • Parfait
  • Bresc Madras to taste

For the sponge cake

  • 375 g egg white
  • 200 g ground almonds
  • 200 g sugar
  • 75 g flour
  • 150 g egg yolk
  • 3 dessertspoon Bresc WOKginger

For the pineapple

  • 5 pineapples
  • 3 vanilla pod
  • orange juice
  • butter
  • 3 dessertspoon Bresc WOKginger

For the garnish

  • Greek-style yoghurt
  • lime, grated peel and juice
  • Bresc Thai red curry

Preparation method

Make a parfait according to the instructions on the packet and season with the Madras. Freeze it in square moulds; remove them from the moulds when they are firm enough (or pour the liquid into a tray and cut into small squares when it is firm).
Beat the ingredients for the sponge cake in a blender until completely smooth, strain through a fine strainer and pour into a whipping siphon. Aerate with 1 cartridge and pipe the batter into plastic cups until they are half full. Cook in a microwave oven for 40 seconds at full power, turn out immediately, allow to cool and tear coarsely. 
Clean the pineapple, cut into slices and fry with a knob of butter. Add the orange juice, the ginger and the seeds from the vanilla pod. Leave to cook for about 15 minutes and reduce the liquid. Flavour the Greek-style yoghurt with the lime juice and the grated lime peel. Arrange the components on a plate and add droplets of red curry to finish.