Bresc BV

Chipotle salsa chicken lollipops


  • 10 drumsticks
  • 100 g Bresc Marinade for chicken
  • 100 g Bresc plum and ginger glaze
  • 200 g Bresc Chipotle & Bell pepper salsa

Preparation method

Prepare the chicken drumsticks like lollipops: cut into the meat and push backwards to release the bone.
Coat the lollipops with the Bresc marinade for chicken and place on the bbq (or oven) at 175 °C for 45 minutes.
When the core temperature is above 72°C, lacquer the lollies with the Bresc plum and ginger glaze and place them in the oven or BBQ for another 5 minutes. Serve the lollipops with the Bresc chipotle & bell pepper salsa.

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