Bresc BV

Dutch Beemster wrap


  • 10 tünnbreads                                                           
  • 3 head lettuce                                                                       
  • 20 slices Beemster cheese 
  • 20 radishes                                                         
  • 250 g crème fraîche 
  • 125 g Bresc Chutney tomato
  • 50 g Bresc Beemster garlic puree                                                                 
  • 50 g parsley, chopped                
  • salt and pepper  

Preparation method

Mix the crème fraîche with the Beemster garlic puree and season with salt and pepper. Cut the Beemster cheese and radishes into julienne. Spread the garlic cream on the tünnbreads. Lay the washed lettuce leaves on top, preferably using firm leaves. Mix the cheese with the remaining cream and add the chopped parsley and strips of radish. Season with salt and pepper. Divide the cheese salad evenly over the lettuce and roll up the tünnbreads like wraps. Cut the wraps in half diagonally and garnish with the tomato chutney.

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